Wednesday 14 November 2012

'Roc The Life' lyrics anaysis

My way through London, Americana
The persona, it's primadonna
I kick the zillionaire to the cizzurb
you think im crazy, I'm bizarre

Admediatly we are introduced with two settings London and America, which are both known for being the places to be and desired for having glamourous and powerful people. Referring to their personalitys as being'primadonna' suggests that these people are dramatic and living the diva lifestyle. She admits that she could 'kick a zillionaire to cizzurb' and proudly fronts of her having a crazy personality; which links her to having the conventions of an R&B star as she comes across as feisty and egotistical which appears in a stereotypical artist in this genre.

I'm off the chain, you gotta love it
I can't express enough, how bad I want it
Maybe one day, I wanna be there
Beyond the stars, like a zillionaire

Rita trys to add to appeal by being forceful with the audience and making them believe what she wants them too; this is obvious as she exclaims that everyone will love it, so we feel some what under her spell and enforced to love it. She plays with her urban roots by adding some of her east London slang into her lyrics, she adds her play on words with 'zillionaire' which creates an R&B vibe as it adds an edge and makes the song more personal. She expresses her desire to become famous and be a star. She also tries to make the lyrics sound sexual as she claims 'how bad I want' which could be referred to her sounding sudductive and trying to some what flirt with her audience.  

I broke my clique-up hanging
With diamonds in the air
You can hate this all you want
But we gon' take this everywhere

Don't pay them, no never mind
You're just a waste of time
They be watching from the sideline

It is clear that Rita is hungry for fame and suggests that she has left her normal life to hang with the 'diamonds in the air' which could be a metaphor for famous people as diamonds are precious and some people could claim that celebrities are untouchable like diamonds. With her determination of making it at whatever cost and with confident attitude that she is certain she will make it in  the industry whether people like it or not. She begins to sound like a diva which creates a pri-madonna attitude by saying people will be watching from the sideline as they are a waste of time, so she has no time for certain people when she makes it big. 

While I roc the life li li la la li li life
While I roc the life li li la la li li life
While I roc the life

This shows she is trying to get a message through to the audiences that she is wasting no time and creates a cool vibe as she 'Lives the life' and 'Roc the life' and still oozes a carefre attitude as she repeats and mutters life, which adds to being a R&B artist as a conventional star in this genre likes to appear hard and a strong individual.

You see the lights, see the money
Super glamorous
Fresh off the runway
Wanna be infamous

A common theme of being famous and living the rich lifestyle is run throughout the song which adds to the glamour of Rita's appeal but also targets her R&B audience as it is a necessasity to appear materialistic and in to a money driven life. Comparing herself to a model as she claims 'fresh off the runway' which insists that she is certain she will make it,also she knows she is beautiful which creates a diva-ish persona for the rising star. By calling wanting herself to become 'infamous' it appears to the audience that she will stop at nothing good or bad to make it in the industry which really shows Rita's compassion to make it.

Notorious as directed
According to us, whiskey nights
Gettin in to tear
Blowing money fast
Get it again

Rita attempts to create controversy by suggesting that she has been directed to be notorious, which only adds to the idea that she has been instructed to act this way or even put on a front of being this hard and intimedating star. A feisty and boystrous star is the bubble that Rita looks lik she is trying to create for herself as she exclaims of how she has whiskey nights, gets in to fights or how she somes it up 'gettin into a tear' and spending money fast, only adds to the 'live fast die young' tough act that she is perceiving. The last line suggests that it doesnt matter, as she will get it again, which makes the audience envy her rich lifestyle.

Write my name on stars
So you can see it
Wherever you are
Please believe it
I'mma take it all
Ain't gonna stop
Until I fall, fall,fall

The star appears desperate as she wants everyone to know her name, but it comes across that she is imparticular directing the message at one person as she clearly points out 'wherever YOU are' which could be relating to her personal life with on/off boyfriend Rob Kardashian which adds controversy behind the song. She admits that she wants to take as much of this materialistic lifestyle until she loses it all and this shows the demographic the cycle of fame as one minute you can be the biggest star on the planet but the next you could lose it all but Rita knows what to expect from this short lived carrer option of being famous.

The theme behind 'Roc The Life' is basically to 'live the life' and how one minute you could everything and the next nothing at all, which is basically suggesting that if you 'Roc the life' then you are living the glamourous,wild lifestyle but at the end of the day, life is not all that it is made out to be. Also it concludes that people are always wanting more in life, when we should just be greatful for we have. As a group we decided to base our video on Alice in Wonderland to take a deeper insight into a dreamworld but it not being the high life that the actress in the video would have expected.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in annotating the lyrics of your chosen song and you have considered some of the hidden meanings too.

    Now you need to start considering the micro elements that you wish to include within your music video
