Monday 12 November 2012

Analysis of posters

Rita Ora is represented as a bubbly and feisty artist, which can suggest she is a figure in the R&B genre with her use of gold junk jewellery and luxourous blonde locks which oozes sex appeal even though the image is in black and white. The close up helps to engage the audience with the artist as she is not very well known which helps to build a fanbase as this helps to put a face to the music and bond the audience and the artist.The MTV logo in the top left of the compositon, provides information that the artist is a mainstreem artist and also that she must be extremely popular in he music industry otherwise Mtv would not put their name on a product if they didnt think the artist would sell.

The colours in the poster are quite brutal and hard hitting; this implies that she isnt as innocent as she seems and has a dark edge to her. Whereas artists like Taylor Swift are more girly and would tend to use more pinks are pastel colours to represent this image.

The typology of Rita's name is the biggest text on the poster and this helps to catch the viewers attention as the red is contrasting against its white background which really helps the artist to stand out and draw our full attention to her name instead of Iggy Azalea and Havana Brown who are significally small compared to Rita on the page, which leads to suggest that MTV have more faith in Rita Ora to do well as she takes up the whole page and dominates this advertisement.

The advert itself does not look like the typical poster for a tour but more of a gig which seems to aim for a demographic of R&B and indie lovers because of the poster layout.

Very similar to Rita Ora, superstar Rihanna has a wild charasmatic and the materialistic edge which makes both R&B/Pop sensations very similar to one another. We are almost admediatly drawn to the close up of Rihannas face and her statement red hair, which enthesiases the idea of lust which oozes Rihannas eccentric personality and daring confidence. Also by making her face the main vocal point of the shot, it is clear that her face is the money shot and that the record company wants her face to lur a demographic in.

It is clear that Rihanna is a Mainstreem artist, as the poster does not have to explain who she is, or what she sings and audiences worldwide will know who she is and dont need conviencing to go to her concert. The black at the bottom of the compostion contrasts with Rihannas red hair as the red suggests that the songs will be playful, however the black shows darkness and pain which shows a variety of what to expect.

Roc Nation have made it clear that their artist is relying purely by herself on this tour as the special guests are unknown and usually special guests are named to attract a wider audeince, which shows how big she is as a singer. The poster is easy to look at and does not intemiate its audience as it has only limited words and its clear what it is advertising.

The poster shows multi media skills by not only selling tickets for Rihannas tour but also her album which is showing she is current and ahead of the game. The poster also states that she is signed wth none other then widely successful Roc Nation who manages the likes of Jay-Z and Kayne West so if people do not who she is they will be eager to find out because of her popular record company.

I feel that the poster is very successful as it it aims for its demographic of a young R&B and connects with them. it is clear that she is a big star as she has used only minamal information about herself, which stars who are only up and coming would have to give as much information to inform the audeince who they are. The poster is purely simple yet effective as we know that she is on tour but keeps us wanting to know more as it is not stated where she will be performing or when which adds to the anticipation of needing to know more.

1 comment:

  1. The two posters that you have analysed shows some understanding of why advertsing is important, within the industry. You have considered some of the points, but you need to develop on the artist image in more detail and how it appeals to an audience.

    Finally include a summary to explain how your research will assist you in creating your own advert
