Friday 9 November 2012

Planning artist image

We figured to match our convention of R&B it would only be necessary that we followed artists in the industry who are quirky and confident as we want our artist to be relatable and for girls to look up too. Which would not only help to build our fanbase but also to appear current and cool. So artists like Lana del Rey,Rihanna, Katy Perry and of course Rita Ora would be ideal artists to look into as they all have an edgy vibe which is clearly show with their fashion and certain ways of dressing or way of appearance to make the artists seem somewhat iconic.

Stars like Lady Gaga can be seen as a bit too extreme as the demographic which is usually teenage girls would not be able to buy these outragious clothes. However Rita Ora has a quirky and urban dress sense which is not to in your face and can feel relatable as everyone can be like her. We want our artist to come across as confident and dominant the video as this will be crucial if we want fans to connect. We ideally want our audience to feel like they can connect with the star and feel like they want to be the star. Its is important to get the clothes right as initually in R&B/Pop videos girls will look up to girls and follow the trends set in the video and sometimes the music is not the most important thing in a video as sometimes audiences are more intrested in what the star is going to do in the video or what they are going to wear; which is why is it neccessary that we focus in to what will make us stand out but not be to bold.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in exploring the representation of your music video and the image that you would like to portray. You have also considered a range of examples, which helps to support the points that you are making.

    To make this post more detailed you need to focus more on the clothing that your artist will be wearing in your music video and include images to support the points that you are making.
