Friday 9 November 2012

Planning lighting and colour

What style of lighting are you using and why? 
Natural: In our video we will be mainly relying off neutral lighting, this is because our idea of the video is for it to look realistic and relatable to our demographic. We will be directing our video in central london and will be influenced by the weather and lighting of london that day. Also by having both light and dark lighting the music video will appear naturalistic and also the viewer can capture theirself in the video.

High key: when editing the lighting we will be focusing on the street lights, shop lights and lights in genral to link back to the theme of being a wonderland and the light symbalising hope. We want London to appear as a fantasy world which will be perfectly done with the use of high key lighting in our shots as it will appear more dreamlike and suited to our narrative music video.

Low key: We wish to portray London at the bginning as 'The place to be' and to seem luxourous and glam but as the video progresses we begin to encounter sinister and the evil side to this so called 'Wonderland' whihc will be contolled by our final cut and editing to create the sense of forboding through the use of low key lighting which will be used in the beginning of the video also as we want the scene to be set as creepy and unknown.

1 comment:

  1. This post on lighting, demonstrates some understanding of the style of lighting that you wish to include within your music video.

    To make this post more detiled you need to include images to support the points that you are making and you also need to relate to more detailed examples from your music video, to show further understanding of why that syle of lighting is important to use.
