Monday 3 December 2012


It was essential to carry out a photoshoot as it is necessary for fans to connect with the artist and shows the artists image as the audience can interpret the look of an artist with their own and a look of an artist/group can sometimes effect if the demographic can relate and like them; acts like One Direction may not technically have the best voices but young teenage girls will more likely be tempted to buy an album because they are attractive. For our photoshoot we decided that we wanted our pictures to be conventional of our artists genre as they are a crossover artist of R&B/Pop and decided it's important to draw in fans of both sides of the music. It is crucual that the audience begin to reconise their artist and will help grow a bond between a fanbase and an artist/band. 

The 2 images to the right we decided, it was best not to use them as our the cover of our cd; we feel that this image was a great image as the colours in the face seem to pop out to the viwer and also the artist shows a happiness behind her eyes which makes the audience feel comfortable with the star. However we come to the conclusion that the overall image would suit a well known star better as only half of the face can be seen, which suggess we should know the artist already, which would not be ideal for up and coming artists.

The angle of the shot is ideal as it appears that the artist is inferior to the audience and feels as though she is waiting for the audience to judge her. But this would genrally be better suited if the star was just a Pop star and does not perceive a R&B vibe with her look as she does not appear intimedating to the audience which stars like Rihanna or Nicki Minaj thrive for when creating their covers. Also the colour of the overall image looks of a sepia colour which is unprofessional so would need to pay more attention to lighting in the furture. So this is why we decided to not use this as our artists first album cover.


This final image was one of the many images taken from the photoshoot, but we felt had the most professional feel to it and really appeals to a R&B/Pop demographic. The artist looks like a star and she is connecting with the audience through her eyes as the close up feels intimate with the artist and the audience. Through the use of photoshop I feel that the image could have huge potential but would have created more effect and would be easier to edit in photoshop with a green screen background, but still this image creates an intensity that Beyonce and Rihanna use to entice fans to buy their music.
Our groups photoshoot consisted of wide shots and long shots but I think to make the images appear more proffesional we could have maybe took more time editing photos to give a touch up and more images including extreme close ups as the star is still not very well known so the demographic must have a clear idea of what the artist looks like.However a long shot of an artist gets across the whole personality of the star and what they wear and you can have more of an insight into how they would act which is also benifical with new musicians; which we will know in the future when creating a photoshoot for a new artist.


1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining what the purpose of a photoshoot is but some of the points that you are making are not directly related to the images.

    Read over your work to ensure that your analysis is consistent
