Thursday 25 October 2012


From looking at my overall work prospectus, it is clear to make an evaluation because I have found out that we are aiming to target a R&B/Pop demographic and most importantly a mainstreem audience which has really helped us with narrowing down what artist we will be using and also what will engage our viewers. Choosing our targeted audience is crucial as it is important for us to connect the genre of music to what will be expected from the music video's ie. performance,concept or narrative based.

From choosing the artist Rita Ora we have come to the conclusion that not only will she reach not one but two different genres of music lovers but also we have an advantage because Rita has only currently entered the world of stardom; which initially helps when considering how she has evolved and developed in the music industry. But in contrast to this her two most popular videos have different conventions but still offer enjoyment and love from her targeted demographic.

Before starting our research my group would not have been warie of what audeince Rita Ora would appeal to, but we have found the research into an audience really helpful as we now know what we will have to take on board when appealing to young Pop/R&B fans.To gather more information and find out in more depth our audience and discover in greater detail what our demographic will be looking for and expecting from our music video. Rita Ora is branded a 'mainstreem' artist which means we needed to determine how/why she has been catergorised into being a mainstreem artist. We found out that the likes of Mtv and Viva are hugely responsible for playing Rita Ora's music, which is clever marketing as she will be appealing to not just one specific sub-genre.Whilst Rita Ora is not entirely branded as a R&B star, in her music videos it is easy to see that she follows the conventions of a stereotypical music video.

We decided to survey 40 members of the public; which consisted of 20 male and 20 female to get a range of opinions of both sexes. We thought it would be simpler to divide and round our results together by asking 40 people, as it would be easier to round up or down the percentage of people who agree and disagree with our questions, which will lead to a roughly accurate estimation for our questionaire answers. We could have made our questionnaires more accurate by asking more members of the public as a record company would be sure to ask hundreds and sometimes thousands of people to get the best accuracy to make the video the best of its potential and satifye the demographic.

During one of our lessons, our group made Vox Pops (short video) which helped to get a visual response from our demographic, consisting of questions and answers from volunteers, which was used so we could watch back later and confirm and find out what our audience wants to capture in our video. In doing so, we met a variety of people who have different responses and have different expectations and views of an ideal music video. This not only helped us with finding out information with our R&B video but for future references into how different demographics of genres can have have simlilar expectation into a music video. One critism that the whole group discovered was that if we were given the chance to make Vox Pops again then we would change some of the questions to be more suited to our artist to make the questions more specific.

Questions asked in our Vox Pop:
1. What music channels do you watch?

2. Who is your favourite artist from the Pop genre?

3. Would you agree that Rita Ora is a fusion of Pop, Dance, R&B?

When it come down to finalising our information gathered from our Vox Pop research and transfering the information into pie charts we discovered that some of the questions did not benifit or help with encovering what our demographic wants in the video. Which concluded with us altering some of the questions to suit our video; "What is your favourite song?" changed to "What is your favourite song from Rita Ora?" which helped contributing a clearer understanding into what would be ideal and this was easier to make catergories to select from to endulge into our pie charts. From our questionnaire it become clear to us that because we were working with 'Radioactive' a mainstreem track, that we would realistically wish to make the video performance based instead of concept because in the real world it would be much better suited to the genre. To link the prospective of our music video to Dick Hebdiges subculture theory; it would proberly be tearing away the idea that girls who are linked to being mainstreem often occure to being sexualised or very bubble gum and ultra girly, which Rita Ora ops for going against the conventions and admediatly connects with being unique and an individual in the music scene.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in explaining why primary research is essential to carry out. But to make your evaluation more detailed you need to refer to more data/percentages, to show further understanding of your findings
