Bad tv
Bad tv can link to our video, as the idea of a tv can show our theme of fame and show how what is seen is not always what is perceived, which will confuse the viewer and create a mystery behind the effect. Bad tv is the disconnected effect of a tv which creates a blur effect. This was really effective for my video as this could be a metaphor for fame and how we are are sheltered from the downsides of fame. Also shows like big brother show a fake outlook on so called celebritys and this can be seen as the celebrity being watched 24/7 and not having a connection with reality.
Colour corrector
Black and white effect can show the dullness to fame and how fame can take away the real you (metophorically it can drain you which can be shown through the use of editing from colour to black and white). We also used black and white to show the downfall of a star. Also the colours black and white set a more vulnerable quality which the demographic will feel sympathetic towards.
Jump cuts
A jump cuts consists when two sequential shots are joined together and seem to create the look of the scene to jump. This effect would go against the continuity editing as continuaty shows the scenes flowing and more natural. We used jump cuts to match the lyrics with the visuals which created a divide to the footage which I felt added to the unique footage of an R&B video that we were going for.
Solarising is editing the colour to an image/footage where dark areas and light areas are switched. This is usually seen in over exposed images, but this creates a dynamic transformation. We focused on editing this on the scenes of London for the glamourous scenes to make an airbrushed esque effect. Also we used this effect on an extreme close up to the lips, which created an Andy Warhol looking scene, which relates to the idea of the video being arty and current.
Rewind/reverse/Fast forward
Rewind and fast forward editing is used to speed up a scene in a forward motion of a reversing motion.This effect my group used multiple times for our editing and was used to show the scene having a flashback but also the rewind scnes could be seen as the star wanting to go back in time and change her life as it wasnt the life she expected it would be. The fast forward scenes were used to create the illusion of how fast life can change and also gave us the opportunety to add more footage to our piece.
Fish eye
Fish eye is an effect which distorts an image and creates an illuion that the image is either stretched or squeezed. We used this towards the end of the video to show the mirage of the illusion that is fame and to confuse the viewer. By distorting the artists face this also shows that the look of an artist is very important and that my group has gone against this by disforming the face and usually in an R&B video the artist is perceived as looking glamourous.
This post demonstrates some understanding of why planning the editing styles are important to do before editing on final cut express. You have selected some effects and you have considered some of the purposes too, but these needs to be explored in a lot more detail. Also you need to remember that this is a planning task, so should of been written before editing.