Friday 21 September 2012

Taylor Swift- Goodwins Theory

Applying Goodwin’s theory to Taylor Swifts ‘You Belong With Me’

Genre Characteristics: This pop video shows country/pop artist Taylor Swift and love interest, acting out a cool and relatable video for teenage girls as she shows how the stereotypical geek turns into Cinderella and gets the man of her dreams. The video excels the use of pop stereotyping as Taylor sings into her hairbrush acting as a teen in love, no raunchy behaviour and cheesy signs that read ‘I love you and wish you here’ between the two teenagers.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals: there are many relationships between the lyrics and the visuals as Taylor is trying to make the viewer feel like they can relate to these circumstances of being young and in love. ‘You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town, I haven’t seen it in a while since she bought you down’ which shows her deep frustration of how her love interest doesn’t smile like he used to and she wants to be the girl to make him smile.

What is the relationships between music and visuals: the music in Taylor Swifts ‘You belong with me’ track, changes from slow pace to fast between the chorus’s and verses. The cutting pace of the videos are a lot slower on the verses to match the pace of the music, they then speed up when it comes to the chorus to keep the relationship between the music and video.

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs?
The artists emotions are very clear through the use of close ups as we engage with  her hurt and desire to be with someone and this not only helps us to get to know the artist better but also helps the viewer feel able to relate to what the artist is feeling and if the audience is going through similar emotions then they will want to buy the single.

Is it performance based, narrative based or concept based?  How much of each? The video shows both a narrative and concept performance of relationships and the story of a girl in love but mostly narrative as it is purely based on its story 

1 comment:

  1. Your post shows some understanding of Goodwin's music video theory. You have identified the main points and you have also included some examples to show your understanding.

    However, the examples need to be more direct to the video by including still images to support the points that you are making on the theory
